Sunday, September 22, 2013


We wear our hospital bracelets
Like it’s the latest trend
Our too thin gowns
Are tied behind our backs, like a super hero cape
And our stitched up cuts
Branded as war wounds
From a battle that was long fought
And won in the end
And your war wounds
Are kissed every night
By a warm set of lips
That will always be pressed against your skin
It’s all kinds of amazing
To be loved by someone- anyone
But it is also all kinds of amazing
To be loved by yourself
So after they kissed your scars
And tucked you in at night
Remind yourself
That you are your own hero
And don’t forget
To kiss yourself goodnight
Before your head hits the pillow

And you wander into a world of no pain. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lazy Sundays

I hate lazy Sundays. I don't understand why, when I know so many people who prefer it over any other day. But I crave excitement in my life- need it. Something always needs to be happening, in order for me to have a good time. Today, my eyes are burning from being on  the computer all day, and my hands are tiring from the constant turning of my records. Even my over sized sweater seems to be suffocating me. I want to go outside, and feel the cool breeze against my face. But I am unfortunately stuck inside. Another lazy Sunday.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Summer 2013

I can name you about a 1,000 reasons why this summer sucked. Maybe more. I could probably fill a whole entire bible with all of my reasoning's. I can go back to every single fight that took place, all of the yelling, all of the tears, every single unkind word spoken, and every single time our hearts broke a little- I can rename it all for you, spread it out on the floor like a jigsaw puzzle. But why in the world would I want to do that? Why would I want to relive all of the pain that I've been through? There's no way I would ever want to do such a thing.
Summer 2013 was one of the worst summer's of my life. And I'm pretty sure this new school year won't be too pretty either. Better get my razors handy, huh?
