Friday, January 31, 2014

A Puff of Rebellion

And I think I will remember that day
Like I remember the back of my hand
Because we were so stupid
But the best kind of stupid
The teenage kind of stupid
She stole a cigarette from her mother's pack of Red Marlboro
Or was it her father's Blue Parliament?
I was too nervous to pay that much attention
We walked a few blocks
And it was so goddamn cold out
That I couldn't feel my feet
And we couldn't get the cigarette to light for the life of us
The wind blowing out the flame from the lighter
Not strong enough to get the fag going
1 try, 2 tries, 3 tries, 10 tries, 13 tries...
It lit
She took the first drag
And passed it to me
Entering my lungs
I crinkled my noise
She flicked it into the snow
"Not for now," I said
She smiled, and agreed
"Not for now."

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Air of Alcohol

1 drink
2 drinks
3 drinks
I wish it was me who was digesting the amount of alcohol 
That was delivered in pretty glass cups
I have to drain the poison from my veins and mind instead
Sweaty bodies all around
Loose grins
And awkward swaying
I close my eyes gently
And try to ignore the stinging behind them 
And the pounding of my heart 
I want to go
Instead I dance
And I pretend nothing bothers me 
And that the music isn’t suffocating 
I ask for a coke

When I could have asked for whiskey.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Composed mainly of
Chosen scars
Anonymous bruises
And unwanted stretchmarks
I live in skin
I constantly criticize
With probing fingers
Raining eyes
And words so poisonous
My mind becomes ill

I no longer know how to mend myself.