I'm home alone right now, which scares me a bit to be honest. Even though I usually lock myself in my room, and distance myself from my family, and sometimes even my friends (via text), there's just something about hearing your mom cooking in the kitchen, banging pots and pans (not literally of course), and your sister complaining about her math homework, and your brother's crap music playing so loud you can't hear yourself think. It's comforting in a way, because even though I'm alone in my room, I'm not really alone.
I just ate two Fruit Roll-Ups and failed at successfully tattooing my tongue (can anyone successfully give themselves a Fruit Roll-Up tongue tattoo? I mean come on folks, let's be serious here, the juicy power one holds is too much to tease the tongue with for 60 seconds. That crap has to be eaten). I downed my guilty pleasure with a Ssips, and was momentarily brought back to the lunchroom of my elementary school, and the horribly plump lady who was always there that the kids made fun of. Even though she was terrible, I still felt pretty bad for her. I mean, does she have someone to go home to? Someone that loves her? Someone that knows her favorite color, and someone that cooks her favorite meals on Fridays? Maybe that's why I asked her to sign my fifth grade year book. She was actually surprisingly nice about it. She looked a bit taken back, but also grateful that someone acknowledged her. It feels nice to be acknowledged.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. My mom was nice enough to let me stay home from school today, due to it being the first day of my period, and I feel like a gremlin is trying to break loose inside me. I just finished watching the first season of Girls, a show on HBO.
It was really, really good. I enjoyed it a lot. It made me laugh, it made me feel for the characters, and it didn't give me an unrealistic picture of what it's going to be like growing up. It was incredibly raw, and I just loved every awkward, yet somewhat relatable, aspect about this show. The characters were very different from each other, and they weren't perfect in any way, shape or form. They were flawed, and wonderful, and just...ugh. I totally recommend watching it if you don't mind raunchy sex scenes, nudity, and some cursing. I mean, come on guys, this is an HBO show we're talking about here.
Well, I guess I'm going to wrap up this post now. I don't know if I'm hungry or not, but I may just make myself a sandwich and watch season 2 of Girls.
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