Monday, October 7, 2013

I want someone to kiss my collarbones
To count the beauty marks all over my skin
And to tangle their fingers in my fine hair
But I am too much of a horrible person
To deserve any of this.


  1. Talia (other Talia :))...
    Please know something. Please know this.

    We are all horrible. And wretched. And undeserving of love. But somehow, God loves us anyway. Now, at the name of God you may cringe (I don't know). Maybe you wonder that if God is so good, why doesn't He stop all the bad things that happen to us. I think it's because we've brought this bad on ourself...He doesn't wish it for us, but He allows us because if He doesn't allow us a choice between right or wrong, then how are we not exactly like robots? If He MADE us love Him, that's what we'd be. Robots.

    But He doesn't make us love Him. He just loves us. Died for us. Bled...for us. So we don't have to bleed and die and live in darkness and separation from Him and from light for forever. We can live with Him. We can have the hope and faith that we've heard about but always felt was out of our reach. We long to be held, loved, cared about. And He does care about us, and He does love us, more than we could ever imagine. And we can choose to turn away from the wrong things we do, the things we use to try to fill the hole in our lives that only God can fill. And we can say to Jesus that we need Him. We're broken, bleeding, and feel like we're lying in a gutter with no hope and no worth. And He will come, pick us up, and wrap us in His arms. He will call you His daughter and rejoice over you, because He loves you so much and so wants you to run to Him. He will hold you and stroke your hair and catch all of your tears. And your life will never be the same.

    You are in my prayers tonight, dear Talia. And I'm crying as I'm writing this. Because I want you to know how much God loves you. I want you to know so, so bad. You are LOVED. You are SPECIAL. You are WORTH IT. You were created by the Creator who loves you so dearly and has a purpose for your life. No matter what you have done, no matter who you are it who you think you are, no matter what is going on in your life, GOD. STILL. WANTS. YOU. And nothing and no one - no cutting. No depression. No suicidal thoughts and attempts. NOTHING - will ever ever EVER be able to change that.


  3. I don't know you, but I love you. Your worth is so great in the sight of God. He loves you infinitely. Your worth doesn't ever change depending on who wants to date you or how you dress or any of that. You are beautiful, you are amazing, you are loved.

  4. I want to share something with you:

    Could we with ink the ocean fill,
    And were the skies of parchment made,
    Were every stalk on earth a quill,
    And every man a scribe by trade,
    To write the love of God above,
    Would drain the ocean dry.
    Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
    Though stretched from sky to sky.

    This is a verse from a beautiful hymn, entitled "The Love of God".

    No one can ever begin to say how much God loves us. Like the writer of this hymn is saying... If the ocean were ink, it would be drained dry trying to write of God's love for us.

    God loves every part of you, Talia. Even the parts that you may despise, he loves, because you are his special creation.

    I'm praying for you. :)

