Friday, July 12, 2013

Old Habits Die Hard

And just because I haven't fallen back into my old habits thanks to the summer heat and the more revealing clothing, doesn't mean that I'm getting better. Most days I feel like I'm just getting worse. Once again, no one fucking gives a shit. So it's not like it even matters. They were little scratches anyway. No big fuck. Maybe I'll grow some balls soon and get a real razor. God I fucking hate talking about this shit,  but if I kept it all inside, then I'd be dead already. It's not like anyone reads these anyway. Once one fucking gives a shit. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally care, girl! If you want to email me, or even call me or something, I'm here for you. I may not know you personally, but I DO know that I care and that you're special and worth it even though you don't believe that.
